Friday, 28 May 2010

All Hail Queen Maya!!

Well, those are just good words to love by!! My girl certainly is a queen and most days I feel like Daddy & I are totally at her beck and call!! :) Oh, how we love this girl!!!

Anyway, here is a layout I created with the goodies from this month's Mystery Kit over at Scrapping Turtle. I actually had been stockpiling these things and sat down last weekend and just started working my way through the pile so I will have a bunch of new layouts to share over the next bit.

Happy Friday all!! I hope everyone has a fab weekend. To all my American friends, have a safe and happy Memorial Day!!

Tonight, two of my nieces are coming to play and I can't wait!!!!


  1. Aww, she is SO cute!! I love this great scrap layout and the colors you chose too!
    Jodi =)

  2. Your little maya is soooooo adorable and I love your bright and fun layout!
