Friday, 19 March 2010

A Turtle Reveal!

I can't believe it! I have been such a blog slacker this week. It is March Break here and I have been enjoying lots of time with my baby girl and family and friends! I think I might need another week to recover from this one. ;)

Anyway, on Monday my reveal went live over on Turtle Soup and I totally forgot to post it here.

I was playing with the super cute Great Outdoors line from 3 Bugs in a Rug. So fabulous!!!

Check it out.......

And here is another layout I made with my kit for a challenge on the board. If you can believe it I still have enough goodies left to make another layout or two!! :)

Oh, and for all of you scrappers out there...Scrapping Turtle is having a DT Call right now. Let me just tell you that this is an incredible place to be on a team for. The ladies are fabulous and the kits are incredible!!! Check out all the info here and send in an application!!


  1. Oh these are brilliant Tracey, great colours and photos.

  2. I always love your layouts, Tracey! Fantastic! :)

  3. Love all your layouts....esp, love the pictures in the last layout!!! hehe! Hilarious!

